(@udaralondon) - London's PAY LESS FOR MORE premium fashion retailer will be showcasing collections from its various designers from around the world at this year's #Divasofcolourfest on 23rd October 2...Read More
As one of six delegates chosen to represent the UK at the Y7 Youth Summit she discussed the One campaign’s goals and recommendations for G7 leaders and how to engage more young people in politics, a...Read More
Topic: Leading with confidence – ( embracing/ being comfortable with self-identity, personality, vulnerabilities, courage, authenticity, humanity and showing up in your real)....Read More
LONDON, 17 AUGUST 2021 -- Divas of Colour International Women’s Forum announces WorldRemit, a leading global cross-border payments company, as the title sponsor for the upcoming Divas of Colour Fe...Read More
This summit is virtual and has been designed to help entrepreneurs understand how to move their business from the idea stage to making profits and scaling....Read More
The truth is, it doesn't matter if you are a stay-at-home mother or you have a good-paying job in the corporate world, job security is at an all-time low this time. And this is your chance at preparin...Read More
Ruth Oshikanlu is a multiple award-winning expert nurse, midwife and health visitor with more than 25 years of experience in delivering secondary and primary healthcare services in the statutory and v...Read More
Emily Mei Carter is a human experience architect. Half her career history involves marketing and communications management, where she worked with customer and partner experience, stakeholder communica...Read More
Maureen is a NeuroLeadership and Resilience trainer, speaker and mentor. She leverages on recent research, on the Neuroscience of how the brain works to empower leaders, educators, women in leadership...Read More
Zodie is the founder of Style on Rotation. As an Online Personal/Capsule Wardrobe Stylist, Zodie supports women through their journey of style transformation. Her mission is to help women aged 17 to ...Read More