1. Mind what you consume this period – both information and food.
2. Stop the chain of misinformation on its track by not forwarding unverified messages as received.
3. Reach out to someone whenever you feel overwhelmed.
4. Prepare for the next phase. After the pandemic what next? Start now to equip yourself with skills that will position you for the inevitable new era coming after this pandemic.
5. Spread positivity around you. Be the light in the world you want to see.
6. Help someone.
7. Remember to dance, rest, sleep, laugh and stay in touch via any digital alternatives.
8. Do some DIY – repaint your house, change your room decor, move the home setting, the sofas, table.
9. Watch your favourite shows, read your favourite books, write that book even if it’s for fun.
10. Tell your children stories from your past – share with your loved ones some of your best-kept secret – this builds better bonding for the family.
11. Stay safe, protect yourself and those you love. Avoid all unnecessary going outs.
Let us know what you’re doing. And remember to join us on social media – share your tips and use #MINDYOURMIND #Divasofcolour and tag us – @divasofcolour.
Emeka and Faustina Anyanwu