Body language Mastering For Career and Business Success.


Body language in the corporate environment is the ultimate deal-breaker. Get it right and you’re on your way to success. From simple to handshake to language choices are skills necessary to succeed in business and workplace. Master them and win your way through barriers.

This course is ideal for professionals looking to enhance their career prospects as well as enhance your business negotiating skills that will help you win those contracts.


Body language in the corporate environment is the ultimate deal-breaker. Get it right and you’re on your way to success. From simple to handshake to language choices are skills necessary to succeed in business and workplace. Master them and win your way through barriers.

This course is ideal for professionals looking to enhance their career prospects as well as enhance your business negotiating skills that will help you win those contracts.


Strengthen your employability

Strengthen your scalability in your career and business.

Equips you with both corporate and business etiquette at meetings, networking and digital presence.

Learn to read and decode undesirable body languages for self-protection and preservation at work and beyond.


5 weeks. Starting from 22nd May – 12th June. (work at your pace)

Course Outline: 

Week1.  Introduction – Understanding and decoding body language, postures and unspoken communication.

Week 2 – Body language for successful jobs and business interviews.

Week 3 – Body language for building a strong career/business presence and influence – networking like a pro.

Week 4 – Persuasive presentations and idea pitching.

Week 5 – One-on-one meetings, telephone and video conferencing mastering and knowhow.